Thursday, October 30, 2008

top 5

the times recently posted in what their oppinion were the 50 best technologies of 2008
the ones below are the ones i believe are the best of the best of the best of 2008:

as chosen by me in the order that follows

5. The World's Fastest Computer

4. The Peraves MonoTracer

3. The Tesla Roadster

2. Biomechanical Energy Harvester

1. Bionic Contacts

top 5

the times recently posted in what their oppinion were the 50 best technologies of 2008
the ones below are the ones i believe are the best of the best of the best of 2008:

as chosen by me in the order that follows

<a href=",28804,1852747_1854195_1854123,00.html" target="_blank">5. The World's Fastest Computer</a>

<a href=",28804,1852747_1854195_1854184,00.html" target="_blank">4. The Peraves MonoTracer</a>

<a href=",28804,1852747_1854195_1854114,00.html" target="_blank">3. The Tesla Roadster</a>

<a href=",28804,1852747_1854195_1854172,00.html" target="_blank">2. Biomechanical Energy Harvester</a>

<a href=",28804,1852747_1854195_1854152,00.html" target="_blank">1. Bionic Contacts</a>

Thursday, October 23, 2008


there isnt much to talk about maybe some random stuff
we started reading the book brave new world for HEnglish
i understand all the concepts..... it seems at a very low level
perhaps 2nd year high school
ive already many books at the college level
or rather ive been told a book was at the college level
however i havnt really noticed
everything basically comes easy

well anyways to her <3(ill have one of these daily)
ill love you forever because the end of time just isnt long enough

Saturday, October 11, 2008

yeah girlfriends

i got a lover
i say lover cause
i got girl friends
but i love her <3

anyways i want to put pics up
but she wont let me
love you yen
love her name to XP

anyways i went to Troy high school finally
they beat us in volleyball ><
we won first place in torpedo
and like 4 other field meet stuff

week was good i want to post blogs more but....

for a self reminder im gonna put kadens below here
the sweetest girl i ever saw
was sipping boba(?) through a straw
i picked her up, threw her on the bed
her long brown hair, scattered everywhere
now i got a mother in law and 16 kids
the moral of the story and the reason is clear
never drink boba(?) and stick with beer

Saturday, October 4, 2008

oh hey a while

ummmmmm lemme see a friend got jumped so he switched schools
i accedently told one of my friends about this blog but im gonna leave unnamed
(HI SOFIA!!!!!!!!!)
i had a ROTC dinner thigy and no one brought rice so :(
i think im in <3
(yes im in a heart -.-)
any ways fun fun fun fun fun
tommorow is conformation so yeah XD